Lot #61

Arif Ansari

Winning Bid: 1,750.00 AED

Artist:Arif Ansari
Size:20x24 inches
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Item condition: New



My landscapes are created in Acrylic and Watercolor. I find great inspiration in subtle light and intimate scenes as opposed to high contrast and grand vistas. For me, painting in the field is where I react to the environment around me, where I observe and collect information, where I absorb the complex beauty of the natural world. But my best ideas seem to come afterwards. Sometimes months, or even years, after the first painting. When an image has distilled in my mind, and with distance from the original subject, my initial idea or reason for reacting to the subject becomes clearer. I am forced to rely on the knowledge I've gathered in my years of plein air work and freed to orchestrate the composition to communicate that abstract idea. My hope is that the paintings move further away from documentary and more in the direction of poetry.

Auction History

Auction has finished

Highest bidder was: alvijamal

April 2, 2023 12:38 pm1,750.00 AEDalvijamal
March 29, 2023 12:00 amAuction started

    Pakistan Association Dubai. , Street 11b, Oud Metha Road,
    Bur Dubai ,
    United Arab Emirates
    04 2305000
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