Lot #77

Ayesha Nuzhat Naz

Winning Bid: 1,000.00 AED

Title:"Al Bastakiya
Artist:Ayesha Nuzhat Naz
Size:24x24 inches
Medium:Oil on Canvas

Item condition: New



"I am a freelance oil paint artist done diploma in painting and calligraphy. Currently based in Dubai. I have more than 6 years experience of work by using different mediums oil paint, acrylic, pastels, charcoal graphite and ink.
My artwork range from landscapes, live portraits, abstract, calligraphy and still life painting.
My artistic endeavors are inclined towards unleashing the Mother Nature’s beauty in its truest form. By keeping a proportional balance between color selection, and subject of the artwork I ensure that my artworks convey the message to the viewer in swift manner."

Auction History

Auction has finished

Highest bidder was: tinamehra

March 30, 2023 4:23 pm1,000.00 AEDtinamehra
March 29, 2023 12:00 amAuction started

    Pakistan Association Dubai. , Street 11b, Oud Metha Road,
    Bur Dubai ,
    United Arab Emirates
    04 2305000
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