Lot #37

Javed Qamar

Winning Bid: 2,000.00 AED

Title:City of Peace
Artist:Javed Qamar
Size:15x25 inches
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Item condition: New



Javed Qamar’s passion and love for details is evident in his work but he is constantly developing new techniques thus affecting his work, giving it depth, meaning and maturity and this is where the mastery of Javed Qamar becomes evident. The painting starts from the middle of the canvas and spreads both right and left, exhibiting the broad outlay of visualization.

Auction History

Auction has finished

Highest bidder was: drfikram

April 2, 2023 7:25 pm2,000.00 AEDdrfikram
March 29, 2023 12:00 amAuction started

    Pakistan Association Dubai. , Street 11b, Oud Metha Road,
    Bur Dubai ,
    United Arab Emirates
    04 2305000
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